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Despre noi

We love bakery as much as you do. That’s why we’ve been helping them fill tables since 1999. Welcome to Floury.

Who we are

Floury is a big, locally owned and operated bakery in Stroman Wall Apt and Baker Street Apt.
Since 1999, Floury has been producing its high quality product on the popular. Partners Hilma Maier and Robert McMonigle felt that Burlingame was the perfect location to continue their centuries old trade. We believe that a healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy diet.

Our focus is to provide Floury desserts and snacks that are nutritious and delicious. Our products always feature as many local, organic ingredients as possible.

Why choose us​

We are proud to be featuring thet following local ingredients in our bakery.

All of our bakery items are made with all-natural ingredients and contain no artificial preservatives, so we recommend that you freeze or refrigerate these baked goods in order to extend the shelf life. We dedicated to helping you stay healthy while still.

Hopefully we success story will help encourage you on the path to a new, healthy you!

Știați că?

În fiecare zi, la Osushi Sibiu, te așteaptă surprize delicioase din partea casei! Cuplurile și familiile care ne trec pragul se pot bucura de mici gratuități și delicii japoneze oferite cu drag din partea noastră.

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Ore de muncă

Cunoaște Echipa Noastră

Fiecare membru aduce pasiune și expertiză pentru a oferi o experiență culinară autentică.

Crunch Walnut

Head Chief

Crunch Walnut

Head Chief

Crunch Walnut

Head Chief


Experiența plăcută, mâncarea foarte bună și proaspătă, bucătarul- chef amabil și prietenos. Raportul calitate- preț este extraordinar. Recomand cu încredere!
Eliza Stangaciu
Recenzii Google
Great sushi! I was recommended this restaurant so I took my family there. We had rolls and sushi amd the following weekend we ordered a delivery.
Recenzii Google
Un local foarte frumos cu servicii pe măsură! Sushiul a fost delicios!♥️ Cu siguranta o sa revenim
Ioana M
Recenzii Google

Restaurant cu bucătărie japoneză autentică

De peste 10 ani, ne mândrim să servim sushi și preparate japoneze rafinate, pregătite cu măiestrie și ingrediente de cea mai bună calitate.

Comanda Online

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